Facebook hero

Facebook skabeloner

Shutterstocks Facebook-skabeloner gør det nemmere end nogensinde at påvirke dine følgers feeds. Sæt dit præg med indlæg, omslag, og annonceskabeloner designet af professionelle og skræddersyet til at passe til ethvert behov.

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Tips og tricks til at lave iøjnefaldende Facebook-billeder

How to Create a Facebook Announcement

Sådan oprettes en Facebook-meddelelse

Sætter det gode ord ud på Facebook? Vi leder dig gennem oprettelse af den perfekte meddelelse om sociale medier, uanset hvad du ønsker at annoncere, og hvordan du ønsker at annoncere det.

10 Successful Facebook Shop Examples

10 Successful Facebook Shop Examples

Selling on Facebook? Check out these 10 Facebook Shop examples to find out what successful brands—big and small—are doing to get more sales.

How to Make a Swoon-Worthy Facebook Shop

How to Make a Swoon-Worthy Facebook Shop

Want to know how to make a Facebook shop? Find all the requirements and details you need to get the ball rolling.

Instagram Ad Design Guide for 2022

The Official Instagram Ad Design Guide

Over 1,000 photos are uploaded to Instagram each second. Here's how advertisers can make the most of their Instagram ads.

How to make a Facebook design
Sådan laver du et Facebook-design

Stunning Facebook images in a few simple clicks
Bedøvelse Facebook-billeder med et par enkle klik

Beautiful visual assets and creative intelligence
Smukke visuelle aktiver og kreativ intelligens

Frequenty stillede spørgsmål om design til Facebook

How do I use a Facebook template?

No matter if you're creating a Facebook ad, event cover, or sharable post, there's a perfect template waiting for you. Open a design platform like Shutterstock Create and browse the templates until you find the perfect base for your post or ad. Select the Facebook template and add, remove, and shuffle elements around until it looks just the way you want it. You can add images and other graphics, change colors to match your branding or campaign messaging, and fill in your text in a variety of attention-grabbing (and highly readable) fonts. Once you finish your tweaks and uploads, simply download your design and share it to Facebook. There's really no limit to what you can create!

What size is a Facebook cover photo?

Size your Facebook cover photos at 851 by 315 pixels. Be sure to include any crucial copy toward the center of the image, just in case your cover displays differently on devices other than your own. This way your cover will look more professional and your customers will be able to locate the information they need, all in one easy-to-find location.

Hvordan laver jeg et Facebook-indlæg, der kan deles?

Gå til det indlæg, du vil gøre delbar, og se øverst til højre på indlægget. Tryk på de tre prikker øverst til højre for at åbne menuen, der giver dig mulighed for at ændre dit publikum. Tryk først på Rediger målgruppe, og tryk derefter på menuen Vælg målgruppe. Nu kan du ændre, hvem der kan dele dit indlæg. Vælg Offentlig, og dine kunder vil være i stand til at dele dit indlæg med deres egne venner og tilhængere!