Letterhead - Hero

Make professional letterheads in minutes

Put your best foot forward with every communication, digital or print. Shutterstock Create is a letterhead maker that makes on-brand communication easier than ever.

How to make a letterhead
How to make a letterhead

The letterhead maker anyone can master
The letterhead maker anyone can master

Beautiful visual assets and creative intelligence
Beautiful visual assets and creative intelligence

Tips and tricks for making eye-catching letterhead

Build a Quick Letterhead from Scratch

Build a Quick Letterhead from Scratch

Need new letterhead ASAP? Use this quick design and content checklist for what goes on a letterhead and then learn how to make your own.

Make the Right Impression with Custom Personal Letterheads

Make the Right Impression With Custom Personal Letterheads

Who says only businesses can have recognizable brands? Build a standout personal brand with personal letterheads that are 100% yours.

Make Your Own Professional Letterhead

Make Your Own Professional Letterhead

Branding is big business, but professional letterhead? That's easy. Learn what you need to know to make your own professional letterhead in just a few minutes.

Letterhead Design: Everything You Need to Make Eye-Catching Letterheads

Letterhead Design: Everything You Need to Make Eye-Catching Letterheads

What separates "meh" letterhead from something you'll be ecstatic to send out? Just a few well-planned details! Get the lowdown and get inspired with this quick guide to letterhead design.

Frequently asked questions about letterhead

Hvad er et brevpapir?

Du kan tænke på et brevpapir som en ramme for din kommunikation. Et brevpapir består af både tekst og grafiske elementer placeret øverst på et stykke papir. Formålet med at tilføje et brevpapir er dobbelt: det hjælper modtagere med hurtigt at skelne breve fra forskellige afsendere, og det styrker afsenderens professionelle brand. Uanset om du sender en personlig note eller et forretningsnotat, et veldesignet brevpapir gør øjeblikkeligt din besked mere troværdig. Brevhoveddesign inkluderer ofte afsenderens navn, logo, og kontaktoplysninger.

What does a letterhead look like?

Anything you want! There are all kinds of letterheads out there, and each can be effective. Some letterhead designs take up only the top of the page, while others encompass full-page watermarks, decorative footers, and side margin details. The best letterhead will always fit within your greater brand story (personal or professional!) by using the same colors and design motifs. Other than that, though, there's no hard-and-fast rules to how a letterhead has to look. When evaluating your design, just make sure it reflects your brand and tells the recipient who you are and how to contact you.

Hvilken slags brevpapir skal jeg bruge?

Uanset om det er personligt eller professionelt, et brevpapir kan bruges på tværs af alle former for kommunikation: noter, notater, breve, meddelelser, invitationer - hvad som helst! Da anvendelserne er så varierede, er der ingen enkelt type papir, der skal ledsage dem alle. I stedet, overvej at skræddersy brevpapirpapiret til formålet med meddelelsen. For mere betydningsfulde eller formelle anvendelser (som et CV), overveje at bruge en tykkere, mere premium papir såsom karton eller vellum. Til daglig brug er standard computerpapir altid et solidt valg.